More Roses

"Red-Yellow Roses", Oil on Panel, 12"x 16"

I am a little behind in posting.  I finished this one few weeks ago. 

"Roses with Lemons", Oil on Panel, 11'x 14" 

"One Perfect Rose", Oil on Panel, 6"x 8"

And lastly I painted the perfect single red rose my valentine brought me on Valentine's Day.

Roses look very complicated and can be very intimidating.  But the trick is not to see the petals as petals but as shapes.  I start by putting in just a few large shapes.  Shadowed areas first and then go into each of those shapes and break them into smaller and smaller shapes with varying degrees of shadow.  Then add the shapes in the light.  I use cadmium red light , cadmium red medium, cadmium red deep, alizarin crimson, and ultramarine blue.
