I just came back from a three-day workshop with Patti Mollica. She is primarily an acrylic painter and has published quite a few books and you tube videos on both color theory and her technique of painting fast, loose, and bold. You can check her out at
3 tone value study |
Patti has a unique way of teaching how to loosen up in both style and color. She began by having us break down complicated compositions into large defined value shapes using only white, black, and a middle grey.
3 tone value study |
Then she showed us how to match those values with color, encouraging us to use a variety of colors within each value range. The idea was to apply color directly onto the value studies. Patti works in acrylics, and her method works better in that medium. I worked in oils, so my value studies were not dry enough to apply color on top. I used my studies as references instead of under paintings.
30 minute painting |
She taught us how to use large brushes to apply brushstrokes in a vast array of shapes and sizes. We practiced her loose painting style with 30-minute paintings and 15 brushstroke paintings.
Patti is an attentive teacher and very good at getting around to everyone. Her technique is easy to understand, very well presented, and a lot of fun! I really enjoyed her workshop as did my daughter, who is a graphic designer but a complete novice at painting. I highly recommend attending any of her classes or workshops!
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